Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!!

You may notice during today that at various times new clocks appear to the side. I have found a site dedicated to widgets (which apparently is the technical term for the little thingies you can embed on blog pages and elsewhere on your pc) - so today whilst I am working I am searching for new clocks. When I have uploaded a few I will be asking for comments/votes as to which you like best. Some of them aren't displaying properly at the moment - not sure if it is this computer I am on today or if it is how I have set the widgets up ... anyway, if it looks strange - you're right!! Its not just your monitor or your eyesight, just my poor blogging skills. Wish me luck - I'm off to find some more ...


Tammy Templeton said...

Well I liked the aquarium clock and the sky clock & the magic tree clock & the purple date and time LOL Perhaps I should have just told you the ones I wasn't keen on haha!

good luck finding the right clock for you

memememememe said...

The magic tree has my vote!